The product name “Koshikoi” is derived from the old name of the place where our brewery is located, Koshigoe.
It is a representative brand of Yoshino Sake Brewery, named by combining the word “goi,” which refers to an old well, and the word “goe,” which refers to Koshigoe.

We have been brewing sake in Katsuura on the Boso Peninsula since 1830 by the Nanbu Touji and brewers.
We strive every day to make the best use of our blessed environment and the high level of skill of our brewers to create products that bear testimony to our success.
We are committed to making the best use of our blessed environment and the high level of skill of our brewers to create products that are a testament to their excellence.
We believe that this is the most important concern and basic stance of our company, and that the thoughts of our brewers will be conveyed to you and lead to your appreciation of our products.
代表 吉野慎一

One of the characteristics of Yoshino Brewery's sake brewing is the presence of the Nanbu Touji and brewers who come from Hanamaki, Iwate, every year.
Every year, they and their five months of hard work on sake brewing have fostered the history of Koshikoi.

Introducing Yoshino Brewery's initiatives, events, activities, products, and more!

The aging of the local farmers has led to a serious increase in the number of unmanaged and neglected plum trees.
This has led to the production of a Daiginjo-style liqueur that makes the best use of local resources.

Company name : Yoshino Shuzo Brewery Co.
Founded : 1830
Representative: Shinichi Yoshino
Address : 571 Ueno, Katsuura, Chiba 299-5265
Phone : 0470-76-0215
FAX : 0470-76-0168
Business days: Monday-Friday 8:00-17:00, Saturday, Sunday and national holidays 10:00-17:00
Closed on New Year's Day and the third and fifth Sunday of every monthIf the third.
fifth Sunday of each month falls on a national holiday, it will be a consecutive holiday.
商号 吉野酒造株式会社
創業 1830年(天保元年)
代表者 吉野 慎一
住所 〒299-5265千葉県勝浦市植野571
電話 0470-76-0215
FAX 0470-76-0168
営業日 月~金 8:00~17:00
土・日・祝日 10:00~17:00
定休日 元旦、毎月第三・第五日曜日
※ 毎月第三・第五日曜日の前後が祝日の場合は、